How To Paddleboard – My Experience: story by Laurie

How to Paddleboard: My Beginnings

I had never been on a paddleboard before but it looked like something that would be fun and I wanted to try out! So several years ago on a small lake near Lincoln, I gave paddleboarding a try. It was love at first paddle and I wanted to do it again but I wasn’t in a position to get my own board, or take it up regularly at that time.

Then a few years later I was on a holiday up in Scotland and I paddled on Loch Morlich. The bug well and truly bit, and I was hooked.

I sourced my own trusty Bluefin 10’8 Cruise not long after that trip to Scotland. I wanted to be able to paddleboard whenever I wanted and wherever I wanted. Just being able to be outside more, be on the water, and do something that is fun.

What it means to me

Personally for me there are many benefits to paddleboarding:

  • First of all, it’s a great workout and you can get a full body workout from just one hour on a board.
  • You can just have a lazy paddle and chill out & have a picnic on your board.
  • I also love the community aspect of paddleboarding. There’s such a great community of people out there who are into paddleboarding, you can always find someone to go with, or hang out with, people who share the passion and enthusiasm for SUP. I have met quite a few new friends through social media whose passion for paddleboarding introduced us.
  • If you want to go at it alone, paddle in the peace and quiet to clear your mind, it’s perfect too. Paddling has helped me feel rejuvenated and relaxed on many occasions. It is an amazing way to clear your head and get away from everyday stresses and worries. It is an amazing feeling to be out on the water, having a sense of freedom. When I paddle-board it truly ‘is’ my happy place! Mentally, I feel refreshed, my mental health feels so much better after being out on my paddleboard, I feel completely recharged. 
  • It’s really easy for beginners to pick up the sport, so it’s perfect for people who have never tried it before. I definitely recommend getting a lesson with a proper paddle instructor first to teach you the basics, from self-rescue techniques, to how to hold your paddle properly, and how to stand or kneel on your board. There is no shame in paddling on your knees, sometimes it is necessary, depending on the conditions. This is why having a few lessons are important, so we can all do it as safely as possible!

Where It Has Taken Me

Being a stand up paddler is freeing, and I mean that in the literal sense of the word. You’re free from being confined to a desk, or a car seat, or some other stuffy enclosed space. You get to be out in the air, surrounded by nature, sea, trees and rivers, feeling alive

Since I have had my own Bluefin board I have literally paddled all over the U.K. Some of my favourite places being on trips to the south coast, Wales and Scotland. You can literally SUP anywhere, and I love it!! If you haven’t tried it you definitely should because it’s the best!! Long may my SUP adventures continue.

We thank to Laurie @littlesupclub for this amazing piece of content. Thanks for sharing your paddleboarding experience with our audience and inspiring people to try this amazing sport.

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